CB wrote:
> 1. The light gathered by radiosity seems to be clipped to the interval
> [0,1]. This should be significant when using very bright lightsources or
> ambient-only scenes. Objects in shadow should be able to get brighter than
> their diffuse values, I think.
I tested this with cornell.pov and didn't notice any clipping. Put
100 and then 200 as light source magnitude and observe how the front
of the small box gets brighter even when the floor, which reflects
light to the box, is saturated. The ceiling also gets brighter than
0.75*255. I don't have time to do a definitive test but if you have a
scene which demontrates this feel free to post it.
> 2.Pov-3.1 did uncorrectly apply color-clipping and gamma-correction *before*
> antialiasing.
I think that aa is best done after gamma correction in peceptually uniform
color space because it's purpose is to reduce visual artefacts. Just like
jpeg compression is best done to gamma corrected image. It spreads the
"effect", smoothing or jpeg artefacts, evenly (visually) among dim and
bright samples.
Kari Kivisalo
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