POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Images overlap insert menu : Re: Images overlap insert menu Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:37:09 EST (-0500)
  Re: Images overlap insert menu  
From: Ken
Date: 7 Sep 2001 22:17:35
Message: <3B9980A5.630EBD4C@pacbell.net>
Bill DeWitt wrote:
>     When you have enough items in an insert menu for it to make a new
> column, the images overlap the text in the first column.

You can get around this by placing the mouse cursor where you want the
image to appear and use the arrow keys to navigate the insert menu.
The image will appear centered above wherever the mouse pointer is
located on the screen. Other than that I don't think the current
behavior will be changed. There were several technical difficulties
getting the feature to work at all.

Ken Tyler

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