POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : grumble : Re: grumble Server Time
23 Dec 2024 13:38:12 EST (-0500)
  Re: grumble  
From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Date: 4 May 2001 06:18:54
Message: <3AF28290.E088C0BD@mixmail.com>
Adrien Beau wrote:

> Even more strange. What program has 331x248 as a standard format ?
> The three smallest images are this size. And they all look built
> by the same person (or same program). All the addresses are at
> Hotmail or Excite, and all the text files are filled the same
> (ie: nothing besides strict minimum to validate the entry).
> What's that ? Someone who flooded ? What for ?

Hmmm... after loking closer, I think there are not from the same person.
Perhaps are friends,  sharing he same renderer (seems Bryce) and computer,
and  they limited their images to the same size for competing between them.
The last one (alphabetically), has a little difference in the txt: he
replaced the topic with his own, a tipical newbie mistake. Who knows... just
give them the rates you feel they require.
In any case, if this is cheating, I can't believe that the "main" image is
good enough to win even with 3 extra votes.


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