POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : grumble : Re: grumble Server Time
23 Dec 2024 13:03:59 EST (-0500)
  Re: grumble  
From: Adrien Beau
Date: 4 May 2001 05:13:21
Message: <3AF272CE.899D68D3@sycomore.fr>
Bob Franke wrote:
> Tom Melly wrote:
> > "Adrien Beau" <adr### [at] freefr> wrote in message
> > news:3AF### [at] freefr...
> >
> > (...)
> >
> > Hmm, well someone could submit one good image under one email, four poor
> > images under four other emails, and then use his four votes to boost the
> > score for his main image.
> >
> > IIRC the irtc admins do watch for this kind of thing....

I didn't write this second part you quote.

While flooding for weird malicious purpose is a possibility
that immediately struck me, there are countless explanations
that could be given. Never come to a conclusion to quickly.

> This is a very real possibility and if the main image is competitive it will
> work.  I am going to check it out also, and maybe alert Chip and Bill.

I think they can hand-check to see if the "three" authors of
the small images all gave their best votes to same image(s).
But if the person that does this is clever, it will be hard to

Anyway, there will be enough voters to easily determine the
real best images. This kind of technique can't be used to
enter the top six, I think. You have to submit a rather
good image for that.  :-)

Adrien Beau - adr### [at] freefr - http://adrien.beau@free.fr

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