POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : grumble : Re: grumble Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:53:54 EST (-0500)
  Re: grumble  
From: Adrien Beau
Date: 4 May 2001 05:05:52
Message: <3AF2710D.B95D4910@sycomore.fr>
Josh English wrote:
> I wonder if it has to do with their screen size and how they organize their
> windows, or possibly they didn't have a good compression utility to get the
> scene below 250K (Or whatever the limit is) so they resized them.

The images are around 20 KB - 30 KB each.

Adrien Beau - adr### [at] freefr - http://adrien.beau@free.fr

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