POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : POV-Ray v. Blender : Re: POV-Ray v. Blender Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:41:53 EST (-0500)
  Re: POV-Ray v. Blender  
From: Ken
Date: 29 Apr 2001 02:17:33
Message: <3AEBB251.254A1DBB@pacbell.net>
Daniel Lin wrote:
> I've just gotten started with POV-Ray, and I'm sorta getting the hang of it.
> Before POV-Ray, I downloaded Blender, immediately got intimidated by the
> interface, and quit.

I have heard a lot of complaints about Blender's interface but there are
some who get beyond it and produce acceptable results with the program.
Other than that I think POV-Ray is a more mature program. I have personally
never used Blender so I really can't offer any opinions other than what
I have heard from others. I can say that few that visit these groups ever
mention it if that counts for anything...

> BTW, where would I post any feature requests or ideas for POV-Ray that I
> might have?

The best bet is to post a message in .general titled something along the
lines of "Feature Idea - new object" or something similar. If you get
enough people interested, and it is a good idea, someone might take the
time to write the feature into one of the existing patched versions of
POV-Ray. If the feature gains in popularity it might then be added later
to the official version itself (never any guarantee of this however).

Ken Tyler

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