POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Well, that was unrewarding : Re: Well, that was unrewarding Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:28:29 EST (-0500)
  Re: Well, that was unrewarding  
From: J Charter
Date: 27 Mar 2001 19:07:51
Message: <3AC12D46.6E6E958A@aol.com>
>  As
> beautiful as the very intricate Grail cup entry was, I suspect that if
> the Grail exists it will turn out to be quite plain.

Actually that particular museum piece consists of two parts ( not well conveyed
in my rendering )  The cup is clearly an old and quite simple relic of crude
silverwork. The goldplated, silverwork reliquary is from later.  It is precisely
this juxtaposition of a simple crude cup with its elaborate later enshrinement
that lead to arguments that this could be "the holy grail".  The speciousness of
such a conclusion lead in part to my choice of this as a subject for "worship".
The design is now thought to most resemble a tenth century oil lamp, by the way,
neither a chalice or a grail.

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