POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Well, that was unrewarding : Re: Well, that was unrewarding Server Time
23 Dec 2024 14:16:57 EST (-0500)
  Re: Well, that was unrewarding  
From: Fabien Mosen
Date: 27 Mar 2001 13:27:41
Message: <3AC0DAFB.7ED93400@skynet.be>
Tina wrote:

> A 10 would have made me a lot happier.  And you're likely right about the
> cross-contamination, but I think that's why I' m so irritated.

IRTC is not school.  A note under 10 is not a failure (especially if
you look at the highest scores, around 15-16).  You are allowed to
participate next time anyway.

> That bothers me. It bothers me more in the face of what scores above mine
> (a couple naked stone tits is prettier than my image? greaaat...)

Outside, say, the ten first images, ranking is far from being
really significant.  You've done the right thing by coming here
and asking for more comments.  Try to act as if "they'll never
have to say THAT again for one of my images" !

> You know, I honestly don't remember, although... I /think/ 0.3.

It looks like AA was simply off.


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