POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Camera position help : Re: Camera position help Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:05:16 EST (-0500)
  Re: Camera position help  
From: Christoph Hormann
Date: 18 Feb 2001 08:03:10
Message: <3A8FC80D.5D0B4CD3@gmx.de>
Jong wrote:
> Dear All,
>  I've been experimenting a little bit with the camera position. I would
> like to maintain my rendered
> image orientation. For example, I want my x-axis(Red bar) positioned
> horizontal z-axis(Green bar) vertical even if I change my camera
> position while looking at the same position of the object.

If you want z vertical and x/y horizontal, you have to use something like:

camera {        
  location    <10, 10, 10> 
  direction   z
  sky         z  
  up          z  
  right       (4/3)*x                             
  look_at     <0, 0, 0>  

> One more question:
>   What are the meanings of the non-zero values of y and z in "right
> <0.35816, 0, 0.206784>".
> I learned that x value of right< , , > maintains ratio of the image
> output. But for the y and z, I have
> hard time understanding.

quoting from the doumentation:

"Note that the up, right, and direction vectors should always remain
perpendicular to each other or the image will be distorted. If this is not
the case a warning message will be printed. The vista buffer will not work
for non-perpendicular camera vectors. If you specify the 3 vectors as
initially perpendicular and do not explicitly re-specify the after any
look_at or rotate vectors, the everything will work fine."

BTW, please don't post html and binaries in this group, if an illustrating
picture is necessary post it to p.b.i.


Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmxde>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other 
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/

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