POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Polyhedra : Re: Polyhedra Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:49:25 EST (-0500)
  Re: Polyhedra  
From: Micha Riser
Date: 6 Feb 2001 11:24:05
Message: <3A802527.7E0143C5@gmx.net>
They are all in the standard include file 'shapes2.inc'. See that file fore
details. So:

#include "shapes2.inc"

object{Tetrahedron pigment{White} ...}
object{Octahedron ...}
object{Dodecahedron ...}
object{Icosahedron ...}

You can even do

object{Hexagon ...}

tough I don't know if that makes scenes. Isn't it always better just to use a box
for that?

- Micha

Jakob Kosowski wrote:
> > It depends on what kind of polyhedra you want. How many faces? Regular,
> > irregular? If irregular, how many different faces? How many sides per
> face?
> Regular. I mean Tetrahedron, Hexahedron (i can do that with a box),
> Octahedron,
> Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.

Micha Riser       email address: mri### [at] gmxnet
http://www.povworld.de/   The World of POV-Ray!

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