POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Porting between versions : Porting between versions Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:20:44 EST (-0500)
  Porting between versions  
From: Dawn McKnight
Date: 10 Dec 2000 22:08:26
Message: <3A344529.80DF4A50@mac.com>
Hi, gang.

I normally use POV-Ray v3.1g for Macintosh, but because I need to render
a bunch of images, and I figure the Sun Enterprise 220R at work is
probably going to do that faster, and with less interference with my
daily computer use, I've been trying to get that to work.

I downloaded (with my sysop's assistance) the SunOS binary, and he
installed it.  Now, it'll open the file and start to read it, but when
it gets to my first #local definition, it complains.  I should note that
this .inc file works fine under both Mac and Windows versions of POVRay.

Is the #local statement not supported under the SunOS version, or is
there a file that hasn't been properly installed, or.... what?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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