POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Using PNG's alpha for transparency... : Re: Using PNG's alpha for transparency... Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:02:45 EST (-0500)
  Re: Using PNG's alpha for transparency...  
From: Dawn McKnight
Date: 18 Nov 2000 03:26:47
Message: <3A163D49.6E3CAA45@mac.com>
Simon Lemieux wrote:
> Now, can I put this PNG and use its alpha channel in povray for transparency?
> I tried "transmit all 1" and "filter all 1", didn't work... maybe I'm not using
> it correctly?...

Simon, if I understand correctly, you can only use transparency with a
paleted color graphic.  Filter all and transmit all make /all/ of the
colors in your graphic transparent or translucent.

You need to use a graphics program such as draw or paintshop to convert
the image coloring scheme to paletted, determine which palette number
the color you want not to appear is, and set /that/ to transmit.

Dawn McKnight      | "Who cares what the hipbone's connected to? I'm in Neurology!"
McK### [at] maccom   |					-- Justine Devlin, M.D.

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