"Mick Hazelgrove" <mic### [at] mhazelgrovefsnetcouk> wrote in message
> I want to make light fade in water. I've been through all the available
> tuorials and tried everything I can find in the manual.
> I want to make a figure, viewed from a high angle, fade away as you look
> down in the water at him so that his feet are probably not visible.
> Has anyone tried this, any tips, code or help gratefully received.
It's been done, and done a few different ways I'd say.
What you would use is either fade_distance and fade_power in the water object
(fade_color esp. useful in MegaPOV) or difference the "figure" away from the
water object having that textured with a gradient y pattern going from clear to
unclear along -y. Then put the figure, or person, back into the scene at a
slightly reduced scale (can be imperfect if scaled too much or the object is
Another way is to use media or ground fog (type 2) inside the water object.
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