> It generally looks like - well, like a twisted turd. I'm not very good at
> controlling its appearance, so can't help you much there.
> I don't suppose there are very many real-world constructs that can be imitated
> with the help of julia fractals; but there are exceptions. For example check out
> this IRTC submission, where the stream of water is made with a julia:
> http://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2000-08-31/partized.jpg
Woa, that pictures is pretty nice! Yes I knew that fractals were absolutely
abstract objects and would be hardly put in a normal scene...
But I like the abstract and I was just going to play with it for a while until I
get bored of its too abstractness!
| Simon Lemieux | Website : http://www.666Mhz.net |
| Email : Sin### [at] 666Mhznet | POV-Ray, OpenGL, C++ and more... |
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