POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : giants.jpg breaks the rules? : Re: giants.jpg breaks the rules? Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:41:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: giants.jpg breaks the rules?  
From: Tom Melly
Date: 12 Jul 2000 06:04:14
Message: <396c429e$1@news.povray.org>
"Adrien Beau" <adr### [at] freefr> wrote in message
> I have a problem with giants.jpg. It seems to me that it breaks an
> IRTC rule :
> > 5. Image file
> >
> > e. (...) You may not use an image that you created in the past. (...)
> I had the feeling that I already saw this image somewhere. On some web
> site I would not remember the name, perhaps? No! After checking, it
> appears the very same image was submitted in 1998 november-december
> round, under the name dpcgiants.jpg.

I recognised it as well, but gave the author the benefit of the doubt. I'd
assumed it had cropped up in binaries.images. I'd have been a lot harsher if
I'd realised it had been submitted to a previous irtc round. Oh, well. I
didn't give it a massive score. Western civilisation is probably safe ;)

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