POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : giants.jpg breaks the rules? : Re: giants.jpg breaks the rules? Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:32:06 EST (-0500)
  Re: giants.jpg breaks the rules?  
From: ryan constantine
Date: 12 Jul 2000 17:15:49
Message: <396CDF5A.C49AE617@yahoo.com>
i don't think it breaks rules, but where i think it would be just fine
to redo an image previously posted to .images, i think redoing an image
previously posted in the competition is kinda poor sportsmanship, if you
know what i mean, and should simply be judged accordingly by the
voters.  the least the artist should have done was reuse the models but
change the camera angle and scene compostition.  i mean, really, how
hard would it have been?

Adrien Beau wrote:
> > The artist seems to indicate that the image was re-done
> > completely from scratch.
> And this is true. If you compare the two images (thanks to
> the IRTC CDs), you'll notice that in fact everything is new.
> He redid the sword, armor, hairs, postures, etc.
> But the pose and general composition have not changed. Just
> stand one step away from your monitor, and it will be hard
> to tell the difference.
> > If much of the image components are
> > re-used, than this would definatly be bad.
> That's the problem, they're all new, yet the same. Just like
> Andy Warhol series of Marylin, you see. Everything is changed,
> everything is the same.
> Not speaking of rules, do you think submitting the "same"
> image over and over is very sensible? This is not in the
> spirit of the competition, which is to create *new* images,
> much more than new objects to put inside them.
> I mean I prefer a new image with objects seen here and there
> on the web, or in previous works from the artist, than the
> same image done and redone.

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