POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : innocent rules violation on "Bursting Sky" : Re: innocent rules violation on "Bursting Sky" Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:43:20 EST (-0500)
  Re: innocent rules violation on "Bursting Sky"  
From: M Spanner
Date: 2 Jul 2000 13:29:01
Message: <395F7B98.4FD872F7@yahoo.com>
Halbert wrote:

> IMHO I think that it is possible that the text on the IRTC site may make too
> much of an assumption regarding the prospective contestant's knowledge of 3d
> graphics.

Apparently the text on the IRTC site also makes too much of an assumption that
prospective contestants understand the meaning and usage of the word "Topic", as
is can again be inferred by browsing the current entries.

Perhaps the competition should have the same topic for every round.... called


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