I just wanted to throw some ground fog in my scene and therefor read the
docs about this again. Is it possible that they mix fog_offset and fog_alt
in some points?
They say, that the fog below fog_offset is constant and fades away with
fog_alt. But little later there is this sentence:
"At an altitude of Fog_Offset+Fog_Alt the fog has a density of 25%. The
density of the fog at height less than or equal to Fog_Alt is 1.0 and for
height y less than Fog_Alt is calculated by 1/(1 + (y - Fog_Offset) /
Fog_Alt) ^2).
But the fog should be constant below Fog_Offset, not below Fog_Alt?!?! Do I
miss something (it's already late ...), or is something mixed up?
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