To whoever might feel generous enough to assist me,
I just started a project in POVRay, using just a text editor and heaps
of paper as my modeling tool. However, I've come to the following
I need to cut out a section from the side of a shape, which would
result in the shape having a solid border around an indented part.
I do this by using the exact same shape (union) scale it slightly and
using it as a "cutter". My code looks as follows:
difference {
union {
box { <0, 0, 0>, <4, 4, 14> }
box { <0, 0, 0>, <6, 4, 14> rotate <0, 0, 25> translate
<3.9, 0, 0> }
box { <0, 0, 0>, <4, 4, 1> scale <0.9, 0.9, 1> translate <0.3,
0.3, -0.875> }
box { <0, 0, 0>, <6, 4, 1> scale <0.9, 0.9, 1> rotate <0, 0, 25>
translate <4.1, 0.3, -0.875> }
It does work, however, it leaves alot of distortion where the two
"cutting" boxes overlap. I have tried to make them a seperate object
as a union, and then use them, but it does not get rid of the junk.
Also, I have tried differencing the two boxes seperatly ( e.g.
difference { difference { union { box {} box {} } box {} } box {} }),
but nothing changes.
Using merge instead of union anywhere does not change things either,
and I am not sure about the difference between them. Anyone have
any suggestions for a confused POVRay beginner?
Best Wishes,
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