POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Too few sampling intervals?... : Re: Too few sampling intervals?... Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:15:52 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Too few sampling intervals?...  
From: Mark Wagner
Date: 10 Jun 2000 00:22:49
Message: <3941c299$1@news.povray.org>
Simon Lemieux wrote in message <39416CDF.7DEF3223@yahoo.com>...
>I just figured there is another setting which is called intervals and is
set to
>10 by default, since the error says Too few sampling intervals, I tried it
to 20
>and it worked...
> But I'm still wondering how to predict this kind of error, it happened on
>12 of my animation... I looked at 1, 2 maybe 3 and went away from home for
>couple of hours...

Each time a ray is traced through a scattering media (or, I think, any other
media), the ray is divided up into intervals whenever it enters or leaves a
spotlight cone.  Internally, the memory needed to keep track of these
intervals is allocated before doing anything else.  This means that POV-Ray
needs to know how many intervals there are before starting to trace the ray
through the media.  The error occurs when there are more intervals than can
be stored in the memory allocated for them.

There are two ways of avoiding this error:
1) Multiply the number of spotlights/cylinder lights by 2 and use this as
your "intervals" number.  This will probably be more intervals than you will
need, but it is possible that all of them will be needed.

2) Get MegaPov and forget about intervals entirely.  Nathan Kopp fixed this
problem by having POV-Ray figure out how many intervals are needed for the
ray before allocating the memory.


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