Subject: IRTC Mar-Apr stills winners
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 06:57:21 -0700
All the votes are in for the March-April 2000 round of the Internet Ray
Tracing Competition, and the winners are:
First place: The wet bird (gt_city.jpg) by Gilles Tran
Second place: Drunk Patrol (drunkpat.jpg) by H.E. Day
Third place: Sunset (sunset.jpg) by Dave Merchant
And our Honorable Mentions for this round are:
Artistic Merit: Tango (gocity.jpg) by Gena Obukhov
Technical Merit: - (fccity.jpg) by Felix Cederling
Concept/Theme: The City Imagined (imagined.jpg) by Katherine Smith
The complete tabulated results of the public vote are available:
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated in the
competition. Please join us for the current round!
The IRTC Admin Team
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