POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Layered textures question to the advanced users. : Layered textures question to the advanced users. Server Time
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  Layered textures question to the advanced users.  
From: Simen Kvaal
Date: 15 May 2000 18:03:05
Message: <39207419@news.povray.org>
In a layered texture, why does a normal-block in a second layer overwrite
the underlying, if that one has a normal applied? How to get around?

Why are some features of the finish overwritten, and some not? For example,
reflection is overridden by the new layer, but phong is not!

texture { pigment { color Green} finish { phong 1 phong_size 5 reflection
0 } }
texture { pigment { checker color rgbf 1 color rgbf 0 } finish { phong 1
phong_size 100 reflection 1 } }

This produces a green/black checkered texture which is all-reflective, even
at the green fields. But the dull phong-finish is preserved on the
underlying color.

Why is this so? I'd expect that the topmost finish/normal would be weighted
based on the filter/transparency of the color. But most important: How to
get around!


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