POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : The most photorealistic image ever : Re: The most photorealistic image ever Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:17:46 EST (-0500)
  Re: The most photorealistic image ever  
From: Vahur Krouverk
Date: 4 May 2000 10:17:44
Message: <391186F1.BFCB2B7B@aetec.ee>
Patrick Joyal wrote:
> Unlike you, I didn't stop at the name of the artist... I've read how
> he did it, and 90% of the objects in the scene were already made by other
> artists, and it uses a lot of image maps.
> It's a really good image, though. (the effect for the wet asphalt are
> stunning)
> But let's not get impressed too much, it was not actually that hard to do.
> (for
> him, anyway)
> think about it...
> Patrick

It ain't sin to use image maps. Some of pure-povists may not agree with
this, but if one wants make good image, then image maps have their role.
In "Advanced RM" it is written, that folks at Pixar first thought, that
procedural shaders is the "only and true" way to go, but reality made
its own corrections, now most of texturing is made with texture maps.
Same is with reuse of objects: there is no point to do everything from
scratch, better would be to learn from others work and reuse it. As
someone said: "If I have one apple and you have apple and we exchange
them, then we still have one apple each. But if I have idea and you have
idea and we exchange them, then we have both 2 ideas!"
Gilles can create good (detailed) pictures, in short time and this is
thank to reuse of previously created objects, others work, good tools
and last but not least experience, skill and talent.

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