POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : The most photorealistic image ever : Re: The most photorealistic image ever Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:44:23 EST (-0500)
  Re: The most photorealistic image ever  
From: Marc Schimmler
Date: 4 May 2000 09:51:05
Message: <39118049.CC5C8273@ica.uni-stuttgart.de>
Patrick Joyal wrote:
> Unlike you, I didn't stop at the name of the artist... I've read how
> he did it, and 90% of the objects in the scene were already made by other
> artists, and it uses a lot of image maps.
> It's a really good image, though. (the effect for the wet asphalt are
> stunning)
> But let's not get impressed too much, it was not actually that hard to do.
> (for
> him, anyway)
> think about it...

And it's still very difficult to do. Even or especially with image maps.
And look at the taillights.
True he uses models by others but even this is difficult.
The overall effect is stunning


Marc Schimmler

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