POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : blobs and unions : blobs and unions Server Time
5 Nov 2024 07:16:14 EST (-0500)
  blobs and unions  
From: Mike Marinos
Date: 2 May 2000 19:40:58
Message: <390F58A4.77701D70@yahoo.com>
Is it possible to create two unions , each with a single blob on top of
a cylinder, position the unions so that the blobs are in contact with
each other and get the blobs to interact blobby like?

I've been trying to create some articulated limbs and have been
investigating this as an option but can't get it to work for reasons I
think I dimly understand but just want to check.

While I am here, I realise that POV doesn't support this, but is there
some reason why  any object cannot ultimately be made to behave like a
blob when it comes into near contact with another object.  This would
open some interesting modelling possiblities like creating fillets
between objects.


Mike Marinos

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