POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Height field bug? : Height field bug? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:21:49 EDT (-0400)
  Height field bug?  
From: Sigmund Kyrre Aas
Date: 28 Apr 2000 17:00:47
Message: <3909FBFE.AC2E2AC6@stud.ntnu.no>
I didn't get any response in the images group.. 

The hf with smooth set seems to be transmitting light. I'm using a pattern{} to
keep the scene all text. The same can be reproduced with a regular hf in the
official version. Is this a known bug?


#version unofficial MegaPov 0.4;
#declare Lys= light_source { 0, .85 
    looks_like { sphere { 0, .1 pigment { rgb 1 } finish { ambient 1 } } }
object { Lys translate <1,-3,1> }
object { Lys translate <-1,-3,1> }

#default {finish {ambient 0 specular .1 roughness .05 specular 1.1 diffuse .6}}
background { rgb .1 }

disc {0,y,10 pigment {rgb 1} translate -3.1*y}

camera { location  <0, 1 ,-5> look_at 0 }

#declare Pig= pigment { color rgb <.4,.2,0>}

height_field {
    pattern 100,100 {
        cylindrical color_map { [0 rgb 0] [1 rgb 1] }
        translate 1
        scale .3
    pigment {Pig}
    clipped_by {plane {-y,-.05}}
    scale <5,2,5>
height_field {
    pattern 100,100 {
        cylindrical color_map { [0 rgb 0] [1 rgb 1] }
        translate 1
        scale .3
    pigment {Pig}
    clipped_by {plane {-y,-.05}}
    scale <5,2,5>
    translate -x*3
sphere {0,.15 
    pigment {rgb x} 
    translate <-1,-.2,.3>

sphere {0,.15 
    pigment {rgb x} 
    translate <1,-.2,.3>

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