Just a thought... any chance there could be coincident surfaces? Maybe a zoomed
in view of one of the "wrong" places might show random pixelization if so,
although the textures might need to be more colorful to show that.
"Lummox JR" <Lum### [at] aolcom> wrote in message news:38D### [at] aolcom...
| The raindrops use the same isosurface function for the bomb head, but
| also slightly modified so that they'll cover the cylindrical section
| from 0 to y as well as the tip of the bomb which extends from y to y*2.
| At one point I got the raindrops to look somewhat decent, but some quick
| tweaking and they were all screwed up again. I found that when I render
| this scene, the raindrops (more like squiggly pools of water) appear to
| be more or less black instead of showing through to the chromed bomb
| surface; more to the point, they looked like the rays that hit the water
| were passing through the bomb completely
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