Hm. Isn't that making a shadow then? If there's a light above the thinner
white media box then there should be a shadow of that media and the other also.
And then there's light_source 'media attenuation'... But like Ken said you
didn't say what the media statement has in it so it's tough to speculate on what
it's doing in the first place.
"Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandluforce9couk> wrote in message
| With the camera and light above the following boxes, BoxA shows up as white
| media, which is what I expected, but BoxB shows up as black - why is this?
| After all, if you are looking down at a cloud from an airplane, beyond a
| certain point the actual physical thickness of the cloud is not
| particularily significant (is it?).
| #declare BoxA = // nice 'n' white
| box
| {
| <-10000, -1, -10000>
| < 10000, 0, 10000>
| pigment{rgbf<1,1,1,1>}
| hollow on
| interior{media{Plain_White_Scattering_Media}}
| }
| #declare BoxB = // completely black
| box
| {
| <-10000, -10000, -10000>
| < 10000, 0, 10000>
| pigment{rgbf<1,1,1,1>}
| hollow on
| interior{media{Plain_White_Scattering_Media}}
| }
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