POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Transforming an object without transforming its texture : Transforming an object without transforming its texture Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:14:53 EDT (-0400)
  Transforming an object without transforming its texture  
From: Nieminen Juha
Date: 12 Mar 2000 09:09:36
Message: <38cba51f@news.povray.org>
How hard would it be to make a patch which would allow transformating an
object without transforming its texture (like the transformation were before
the texture declaration)?
  Sometimes you have something like this:

#declare MyObject = (complete object declaration here)


object { MyObject translate whatever }

  Usually you want the texture to be translated with the object, but there
may be some situations where you don't want the texture to be transformed
with the object.
  Usually there's no easy solution to this. One way would be making MyObject
to be a macro with one parameter: The location of the object before applying
texture to it. This, however, is not always a good solution. The object may
be in an include file which you would have to modify. And if the object is
a mesh, you will loose the property of cheap mesh copies.

  Or is this already possible?

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