POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : declaring variables and float operations : Re: declaring variables and float operations Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:22:37 EST (-0500)
  Re: declaring variables and float operations  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 19 Feb 2000 06:06:45
Message: <38ae7945@news.povray.org>
Seems alright to me.  Most likely explanation is that something else is wrong.
Try commenting sections out until you can get the error narrowed down if you
haven't tried that already anyway.
Make sure you have a #end placed after your #while loop, or some other possible
reason for the error.  They sometimes get misdirected when somethings wrong, not
often though.
I tried those 3 declares just to prove to myself it's okay and it was.


"DeathMacabre" <dea### [at] fcmailcom> wrote in message
| after reading the pov ray help file i am left with a question
| why does the following line not work?
| #declare ZPos = RCon-XPos;
| before this line the variables RCon and XPos are declared and set to 2.3
| and 0 respectively
| however, it returns an error saying that an object or directive was
| expected but a while (the beginning of the next line) was found instead

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