David Wilkinson <dav### [at] cwcomnet> wrote...
> In testing this with MegaPov I found a bug has been added since
> The size of the rounded box is determined by the size of contained_by !
> With no value for contained_by you get a rounded box of unit sides. But;
> contained_by { box {0,4}}
> makes the rounded box of sides 4!
Actually, this is not new to MegaPov. Let me explain:
Isosurface intersection computation is _always_ bounded. I don't know how
the intersection is performed, but I do know that it can only happen over a
finite volume using the current implementation(s).
Prior to MegaPov 0.4, this computational boundary was defined using
"bounded_by". Unfortunately, this caused a conflict with the original
"bounded_by", which has a totally different meaning when applied to any
object other than an isosurface. And to make things worse, depending on the
order in which you applied the "bounded_by" keyword and the other modifiers
(such as "translate"), you could make it either change the computational
container or change the ray-bound object (the way the original bounded_by
Therefore, we had to change the syntax to remove this conflict.
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