POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Math/formula assitance (isosurface) : Math/formula assitance (isosurface) Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:19:07 EDT (-0400)
  Math/formula assitance (isosurface)  
From: TonyB
Date: 11 Feb 2000 18:51:09
Message: <38a4a06d@news.povray.org>
I want to create a shape that goes from

((x+R)*(x-R) & (z+R)*(z-R))

at a specified y height



at another specified height in y.

How can I do this? The idea is that I bind the thing with box
{-<R,H1,R>,<R,H2,R>}, so that it goes from square to circle. Perhaps, if
there is a way, could someone explain how to "gradient" between other
shapes? Say, a triangle or a star?

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