POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Smooth linear splines : Re: Smooth linear splines Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:12:48 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Smooth linear splines  
From: Greg M  Johnson
Date: 22 Mar 2000 07:43:24
Message: <38D8BEF0.D9E1E467@my-dejanews.com>
OK, the request is: how can I get a smoothly varying, one-dimensional

Linear_spline, obviously, is not smooth.

The cubic_spline requires me to figure out ways to add two extra points
before and after the range I am interested in. This is most aggravating,
especially if I want it to be smooth and don't want to have to resort to
some other software for 20 minutes to figure this out.

The #init_spline, first of all, looks like it will not tolerate a
one-dimensional spline.  I have to make up a second variable and throw
it away, or put two variables I'm interested in varying into the x, y
components of the spline.

And yes, #init_spline  bombed out with an error messare that I did not
have my numbers "in ascending way."  So it will only accept variables
where the arguments increase??

Arggh is increasing!  Help!

Greg M. Johnson wrote:

> How do I get them?
> The linear spline isn't smooth.
> The cubic_spline looks like an ungainly pita. Why can't the computer
> figure out ways for it to be smooth on either end?
> The #init_spline bombs out if I don't have my numbers "in ascending
> way."

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