POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Shine and Diffuse Maps : Shine and Diffuse Maps Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:16:52 EDT (-0400)
  Shine and Diffuse Maps  
From: H E  Day
Date: 12 Mar 2000 17:03:40
Message: <38CC12DE.2873D125@fci.net>
Is it at all possible to get some more advanced texture options in the
next version of MegaPov?  I'm specifically interested in a shine_map and
diffuse_map.  These would work just like the bump_map (inside the finish
statement).  White would be high shine or diffuse and black would be
low.  This system is used in many higher-end rendering systems, and I'm
wondering if Pov could handle it.  Can it???
H.E. Day

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