POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : prism (conic_sweep) + bounded_by : prism (conic_sweep) + bounded_by Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:23:08 EDT (-0400)
  prism (conic_sweep) + bounded_by  
From: Eitan Tal
Date: 8 Mar 2000 08:16:09
Message: <38C651F0.B6EB3B74@netvision.net.il>
I can't do bounded_by on prism somewhy, but its not a mathematical
so on what bounded_by do applys on?

conic_sweep prism is ending at a point, that is 1 * delta_height (end
height - start height)
the angle is not neccesarily 45, but it acts funny on advanced prisms
like this:

prism {
  -1,        // height 1
   0,        // height 2
  10,          // number of points
  < 0.2, -1.0>, < 0.2,  0.2>, < 1.0, -0.2>, < 1.0,  0.2>, < 0.2,  1.0>,
  <-0.2,  1.0>, <-1.0,  0.2>, <-1.0, -0.2>, <-0.2,  0.2>, <-0.2, -1.0>
  pigment {color rgb 1}
  // [open]
  // [sturm]

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