Marc Schimmler wrote:
> At least twice photoshop has been named as rendering tool for
> the IRTC. Before I vote on these pics I have to know if
> Photoshop 5.5 has a render machine I didn't know of. If not
> these pics might be produced totally by the means of
> postprocessing and should be removed ...
> canyon.jpg
> caazi.jpg
> Anyone with information?
I don't personally have Photoshop installed on my system but I did do
a thorough search of their web site and could find nothing to indicate
that Photoshop has any kind of rendering options be it raytraced or any
other method. There are some 3D plugins for extruded text ect. but
Photoshop itself remains a paint program and no more as near as I can
Ken Tyler - 1300+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
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