POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : When exactly is the sumbission period closed? : Re: When exactly is the sumbission period closed? Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:42:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: When exactly is the sumbission period closed?  
From: Ken
Date: 1 Mar 2000 20:07:58
Message: <38BDBDFA.3EDBA93@pacbell.net>
Josh English wrote:
> Yeah. I had to take my computer to a friends house and upload it from
> there. I made it in time.I really hate how my phone conks out when I
> need to use it. The wires in the apartment building are crossed with my
> neighbors, and the apartment owner is too cheap to rewire the place.
> Josh

 I don't know about where you live but here in California it is a law
that apartment owners MUST keep the telephone wiring inside tenant
buildings in good working order. Your state may have similar laws
protecting your rights to reliable telephone service. If you live
in such a place it might behoove you to point out this fact to your
slum lord. If you needed medical assistance and could not reach
help over the phone because the wiring was not in good repair it
would put your slum lord in a position of liability.

Ken Tyler -  1300+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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