Thanks. I skimmed the FAQ, but obvously not close enough.
I really hate lugging my computer around....
Ken wrote:
> Ken wrote:
> >
> > Josh English wrote:
> > >
> > > I am have a problem with my phone lines at home and can't get a dial
> > > tone, so I can't submit my IRTC entry without lugging the computer to a
> > > friends house. I'm in Portland Oregon, USA and I know the deadline is
> > > tonight, but it is my local midnight or midnight at the server? If
> > > local, I have a chance, if not, I might not be able to submit my entry
> > > in time. I won't even get home until 7pm tonight.
> > >
> > > When exactly is the deadline?
> >
> > I seem to recall that the deadline is for midnight pacific standard
> > time - which is coincidentally the same time zone you are in. Even
> > if you are a couple of hours late they will probably accept it. I
> > also seem to recall something from the submissions info page about
> > the IRTC admin who reviews submissions not doing anything with them
> > until the following morning, after his coffee so, there is some time
> > buffered into the system.
> >
> > If I am wrong about this someone please correct me.
> From the stills faq -
> [1.2.13] What's the precise end of the submission period?
> Unless otherwise noted, the submission period continues through the
> last day of the round, which is normally the last day of the second
> month of the round. The official precise end of the submission period
> is 11:59:59 PM US Pacific Time on that day.
> [1.2.14] My rendering won't be finished until 2am the day after submission is
> closed--what can I do?
> The actual drop-dead moment is the instant that we generate the voting
> forms based on the images we have at that point. While we sometimes
> accept late entries, we never guarantee any extensions. Please always
> try to get your entry submitted well before the deadline.
> --
> Ken Tyler - 1300+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
> http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
Josh English
eng### [at] spiritonecom
"May your hopes, dreams, and plans not be destroyed by a few zeros."
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