POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : 2 suggestions for Megapatch 0.5 : 2 suggestions for Megapatch 0.5 Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:21:43 EDT (-0400)
  2 suggestions for Megapatch 0.5  
From: H E  Day
Date: 10 Feb 2000 20:47:38
Message: <38A36986.1A5FCD1A@fci.net>
My first suggestion deals with the Soft_Blur feature.  Could someone put
third value, "tolerance"  to the syntax?  This would be helpful if the
artist wants only the bright parts to glow. (Like the lights on the
surface of a spaceship :)  1 would be only the brightest parts and 0
would be all the picture.

The second request is to add a trace2 feature.  This would only return
the normal and position if the ray collides with a declared object *and
doesn't collide with any declared other objects*.
I mean like this.


Where "object" is the object you're shooting at, and "testobject" is the

object you want to test.  This method would only test the "testobject"
BEFORE the ray hits the "object".
Can these be done???
Thanks in advance!

H.E. Day

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