POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Pigment patterns in an isosurface? : Re: Pigment patterns in an isosurface? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:18:25 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Pigment patterns in an isosurface?  
From: Greg M  Johnson
Date: 4 Feb 2000 16:03:14
Message: <389B3DB0.86AB4776@my-dejanews.com>
Yes, please offer a "correct" noise.

If you messed with "bumps", then it might upset generations of old coders who
had made clouds, etc.  I doubt that many people have gotten that far into
noise3d, and I bet that a bunch of them have gotten frustrated with the flat
plateaus and set it aside. (The difference being that noise3d is probably played
with by more dabblers in isosurfaces, where I have found it somehow "more
bothersome" than it was in pigments. [But then again, I'm no texture king].)

Anyway,  here are proposals:
1) Just fix noise3d and I'll bet you'll get few complaints.
2) Make a correct nosie and call it  "noiseg3d",  "2noise3d,"  "bumps2",
"noisenp3d" etc. . .

In any case, thanks greatly for this program.  If we appreciate the pov team,
somehow we appreciate the developers of these "bleeding edge" upgrades even
more, as the toys therein are fancier......

Nathan Kopp wrote:

> This has been discussed in the past (with no resolution found).  The problem
> is that POV's Noise() function is not "correct".  A solution has been
> proposed which would, unfortunately, not be completely backwards compatible.
> My personal preference would be to provide an option to allow backwards
> compatibility but by default use a "correct" Noise().
> -Nathan

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