POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Inset texture maps : Inset texture maps Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:25:51 EDT (-0400)
  Inset texture maps  
From: Jon Wooldridge
Date: 24 Jan 2000 04:35:51
Message: <388C1D49.F23C00E1@gte.net>
I'm trying to create a sword. So far, it's basically a flattened
cylender that has it's upper and lower surfaces clipped off by a thin

The effect that I'm trying to create is where the flat part of the blade

sinks into the sword a little bit, and is filled with engravings and
etchings. This seems like something that could be done with surface

So far, I've got some pretty organic patterns with bumpy normals, but I
want to give the illusion that they are carved at a sleightly lower
altitude than the surface of the sword.

Is it possible to create a normal_map (or similar) that does something
like this, or do I have to resort to adding another cube?


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