POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Congratulations Gilles Tran !!! : Congratulations Gilles Tran !!! Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:38:11 EST (-0500)
  Congratulations Gilles Tran !!!  
From: Ken
Date: 15 Jan 2000 14:26:58
Message: <3880C9D3.BC6295CB@pacbell.net>
All the votes are in for the November-December 1999 round of the Internet Ray
Tracing Competition, and the winners are:

   First place:   Harvest time ! (gt_eden.jpg) by Gilles Tran
   Second place:  Urban Tree (urbatree.jpg) by Jaime Vives Piqueres
   Third place:   Chromatic Garden (acgarden.jpg) by Andrew Clinton

And our Honorable Mentions for this round are:

   Artistic Merit:   Patio (patio.jpg) by Michael Scholz
   Technical Merit:  Human and nature (tbgarden.jpg) by Toni Bratincevic
   Concept/Theme:    Oblivion (oblivion.jpg) by Michel de Rooij

The complete tabulated results of the public vote are available:


Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated in the
competition.  Please join us for the current round!

The IRTC Admin Team

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