POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : modeling programs : Re: modeling programs Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:22:24 EST (-0500)
  Re: modeling programs  
From: Cameron Cooper
Date: 12 Jan 2000 09:13:45
Message: <387c8c19@news.povray.org>
Hey, I'm fairly new to this stuff ( this stuff being raytracing, modelling,
ect ) I've read so many times that its better to learn the pov-ray code
before you start using modellers...I've read what I could understand of the
Pov-ray documentation, but in it there seems ( to me anyway ) that there is
a gap between the basics ( basic shapes, cameras, lights that sort of
stuff ) and  more advanced ( for a begginer anyway :) shapes
 patches,blobs, ect ) im sure all this will come clear to me with time and
practice, luckily time is all i seem to have....one upside to being a bum :)
Anyway I've learned some of the basic code, then i downloaded spatch, moray,
and an export from spatch to moray and have been able to make some pretty
cool stuff ( compared to red sphere on a checker plane i started off with :)
At this point with the modellers it seems like "re-inventing the wheel"
learning all the pov code....for me "this point" is fairly basic...once it
gets more advanced is there heaps you can do with the pov code that a
modeller cant do?

sorry about the "longness" of this :)


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