POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Sphere-sweep Variations : Sphere-sweep Variations Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:27:12 EDT (-0400)
  Sphere-sweep Variations  
From: J Kim
Date: 10 Jan 2000 10:46:49
Message: <3879FD6F.9EAE9648@shinbiro.com>
Dear all,
   I understand there is a sphere-sweeping function(sphere-sweep-spline)
in the superpatchPOV. Would it be possible to start from something else
other than a
sphere? For example, sweeping with some egg-like primitives, or
triangle-shaped sphere-variants, or torus along a predefined curve/path.
If I could possibly choose a torus as a starting primitive for the
sweeping, that would generate a hollow tube, or pipe.
 I would like to know whether this is some sort of built-in function by
changing some options  in the patch, or somewhat involving task like
writing lines-and-lines of programming.

Thanks in advance,

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