POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Help on comming up with keyword name : Help on comming up with keyword name Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:27:22 EDT (-0400)
  Help on comming up with keyword name  
From: Matthew Corey Brown - XenoArch
Date: 9 Jan 2000 13:32:46
Message: <3878D443.E7B1EE2B@xenoarch.com>
Okay I have a patch designed and am about ready to implement. But 
I haven't clue what to call the keyword. I have come up with two 
but rejected for various reasons.

What it does:
Its a new pigment (non pattern) that Transforms
the ray and traces that to determine the color of the pigment.
you would be able to make holograms, security monitors
recursive images , surreal images etc.

the syntax would be

[transmit float]
[filter float]
[depth float]

the two names i've comeup with are
warp (rejected to parsing confusion}
displace (rejected as not to confuse 
	non exsistant displacement mapping)

any ideas?

Matthew Corey Brown                                         XenoArch
mcb### [at] xenoarchcom                             http://www.xenoarch.com

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