POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Distant Mountain Ranges : Re: Distant Mountain Ranges Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:19:39 EST (-0500)
  Re: Distant Mountain Ranges  
From: Ken
Date: 1 Jan 2000 23:27:17
Message: <386ED305.D8F5DD70@pacbell.net>
Kevin Wampler wrote:
> Building a really good looking mountain range can actually be quite difficult,
> but since you want your mountains way off in the distance, it should be
> significantly easier.  I would recommend using a height field, or several
> height fields.  There are some excellent programs to help you design a height
> field, check out Ken's excellent links for a pretty extensive list.  I have
> heard that Leveller ( http://www.daylongraphics.com/ ) is especially good.
> I have also had some success using HLA, although it is a bit more difficult.
> I would also suggest making your mountains a bit obscured by haze (as is
> probably realistic) so you don't have to worry as much about texturing them,
> as that can be a bit tricky.  However, texturing them could also be very help
> you quite a bit in better learning Pov, so don't let me talk you out of it.

Here is my complete list of HF utilities -

While I too strongly recommend Leveller as the HF modeller of choice is is
also a Windows app and not likely to run on BeoS. Jerry migh want to head
over to John Beales HF utilities pages and see what he can find. I am pretty
sure the he has both PC and UNIX variants available that might be usable on
that platform with a little work.

Making HF's with a grayscale fractal pattern is not the difficult either
and produces some interesting results. Many people like to use Fracint for
this purpose which is available on all platforms.

Wishing you Seasons Greetings and A Happy New Millennium !
Ken Tyler -  1300+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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