POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : uv_mapping image_map : Re: uv_mapping image_map Server Time
2 Nov 2024 07:27:53 EDT (-0400)
  Re: uv_mapping image_map  
From: Charles
Date: 28 Dec 1999 18:08:09
Message: <3869421C.B8679D29@enter.net>
Phil Clute wrote:
> >  Let me know, and I can zip it up and put
> > it out on my site for pickup if you'd like.
> That would be great. I'm definately having a hard time figuring out
> what direction everything wants to go in. It sometimes seems like
> changing the settings rotates the image.

Ok. I've zipped the demo files and the png images that they use
and put them at...


> Some of the Bicubic patches display the image sideways and I can't
> figure out why. I guess maybe sPatch flips some ofthe patches but I'm
> just guessing.

(nods) Yup, I'd be inclined to guess that too. It all has to do
with which order the control points were specified in, so modellers
made before uv_mapping might have been too lax in the past with
the way they chose which points to output at the corners (since
it never mattered before). My second file uvbez.pov was initially
made in Moray (although for clarity's sake I swapped all the y and z
coordinates so it behaves like a regular left handed file), and 
Moray, for example, seems as if it outputs the mathematically lowest
corner of each patch first (although this could just be the 
particular application I put it to, dunno). This makes for an
odd orientation (I had to rotate and flip the image map to get it
right-side up), but at least its consistent, so once the orientation
is figured out it stays the same. If sPatch doesn't do something
similar... well, all I can say is "have fun!" <bg>.

Hope this helps!

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