POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Motion Blur Question... : Re: Motion Blur Question... Server Time
2 Nov 2024 09:17:08 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Motion Blur Question...  
From: Colin Doncaster
Date: 20 Dec 1999 08:41:32
Message: <385E34F7.CF717AAC@bentanimation.com>
Nathan Kopp wrote:

> But how exactly would you jitter the ray.  As I understand it, jittering a
> ray in the time domain does not change the geometry of the ray itself, but
> rather just means that you choose a time for that ray.  Then, the
> intersection function for each object includes a 'time' parameter, which
> temporarily adjusts the object accordingly, so that you end up with the
> intersection for that point in time.

    Well, you're implementation gives you the means to store 5 different
version of the object for each frame right, objects in povray must be stored in
some structure that if made into an array per object would allow you to store
more than one copy of the variable (I know that povray supports arrays of
objects anyway, this may be part of the method).  Then, depending on the time
that gets jittered you use some threshold to sample the correct element in the
array.  This could also be extended to compare the differences between the
elements that encompass the sample and building a vector (there is more to it
that just a vector, but for now I guess we can assume an all encompassing
general vector) that is the difference between the two and move the original
based on this vector.  It's a lot more work of course.

    Again - you probably know a lot more about the povray code than I, I am
just splurging goo off the top of my head and hopeing some of it might land in
someones lap.  :)

    Later, C.

Colin Doncaster
Bent Animation Inc.
"I can't make a cow, I can only make sausage." - Tim Schafer

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