The way it works is by re-parsing that object multiple times with multiple
clock values. I would be very difficult for it to to 'know' which variables
the user is treating like the clock and even more difficult to know how to
modify those variables in the way the user would want them modified. If you
put your #declare C=clock; WITHIN the motion_blur object, then C things will
probably work the way you expect.
omniVERSE <inv### [at] aolcom> wrote...
> Seems odd that the only way 'motion_blur' works is to use the keyword
> 'clock' and nothing else. Is this intended? I guess it was not written
> to accept anything else, user defined, such as Clock or MotionClock, etc.
> for the transformations.
> May as well say that it sure is a great new feature though while I'm
> about it, and ask if this might become independant of the global settings
> a future version.
> Bob
> --
> // omniVERSE
> // http://users.aol.com/inversez/
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