Matthew Bennett <ben### [at] btinternetcom> wrote...
> Humm.. thanks for all your help - but when the cmax101.dll file is in the
> same directory as the megapov.exe, or even if I simply copy the
> into the /bin directory, I still get the older bugs :(
> Perhaps it's not the codemax editor part itself that's causing the
> but some older code for some other part of the POV win32 GUI.
True. The source code to the 3.1g interface is not available.
> For example - a fix was made in later versions that meant the timer
> when you pause during a render. When I run the official pvengine.exe,
> is the case - and no graphics glitches too (which I believe where fixed
> around the same time as the timer). However, when I run the megapov.exe
> indeed the superpatch) the older GUI runs, complete with gfx glitchs and
> timer ~continues~ when a rendering is paused (showing it's an earlier
> version).
Graphics glitches I think are a problem caused by compiling with VC++
instead of with Watcom.
The timer stopping was fixed in the 3.1g interface, but that source is not
available to the public.
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